Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Free writeee

1. Im apprehensive about sharing my writing because i dont really know how it sounds in other peoples view so i dont want to sound stupid.
2. I fear that even though people dont say it sucks that it might still suck
3. The best thing today that could happen with my writing is that it sounds good and i could see what other people think about it.
4. The wrose thing that could happen today is that my essay could make no sence and is horrible, but hopefully not.

Monday, January 10, 2011

The cold makes me want to...

The cold makes me want to be somewhere where its a lot warmer. I like when it snows but not when its freezing outside. Also the cold makes me want to stay inside and not go to school. I would rather have summer here rather than winter most of the time. Thats pretty much all the cold makes me want to do.

Thursday, January 6, 2011


As a writer and looking over my last essay I have many strengths and weaknesses. One strength that i have is putting a lot of information into my essay. But a weakness is not being specific on what i am talking about and maybe not making sence all the way. Another weakness i have is not always using third person and going into first or second. In this essay i need to focus on all my weaknesses. Also i need to make sure i do my strengths well.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

The Awakening

In this book there was much detail about the themes and topic. I liked how the author described everything so you could see it in your mind rather than just making it up as you go. The different themes in this book helped tell how the plot how it really was going to take place. I liked how the author did that and how he compounded those two things together. When i was reading this book at first it was pretty boring and had no meaning to me bust as i kept reading it get a lot better. As i got to the end i realized how the beginning helped the end make sense rather than just being there. After i was done reading it came to me how this book really had meaning and wholeness. Once you could understad the book you could really go a long way with the meaning of everything. Overall i liked this book and the precise wording of this book it showed how thigs could really work and go on.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Chapterrrr 26

In the beginning of chapter 26 it talked about how Jurgis became Scully's consultant, but as time went on Scully didn't need Jurgis anymore. This I thought was kinda rude because he had him do all that stuff for him and now he just decided to get rid of him. So since Scully didn't need him anymore he told him to go work as a scab. That    also was pretty rude because their living conditions aren't very good at all; Although on the good side the pay is better than Jurgis had before. I thought that was good because maybe he wont waste his money away on alcohol again or at least save some money for food or good things. After working for this job for awhile Jurgis got moved up to be a boss in Burham's killing rooms. While he is working he finds that the scabs below him are unwilling to work very hard. That would make me mad because I would want them to listen and do what they were suppose to since they are at work. The workers that were brought into the place were mostly African Americans and prisoners. When they came to work they didn't know that they were working as scabs. If I were them I would want to know what i'm going to go work for and not just be told what i'm doing when I get there. On the bad side of working as a scab is that the living conditions were horrible. If they were so bad I wonder why Jurgis is still staying there since he keeps moving jobs anyway and maybe he could find a better job on the way.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Chapterss 23-26

Theses chapters had a lot of ups and downs. At first there was all mostly downs by him breaking his arm and having to spend christmas alone. Then he got out of the hospital and had to go find a job in the freezing weather that was worse than ever. That was pretty sad because he just went through all that and now had to go through this. Then to make it all worse he had to fight for little food and a place to sleep. But then Fredrick a rich guy came along and invited him to his house and gave him food and a 100 dollar bill. I thought this was very good because now maybe he could get on the right track. Since nothing in this book turns good he had to go get change for his money and they gave him 95 cents back from 5 cents purchase out of 100 dollars and Jurgis beat the guy up and went to jail. This was horrible because no one believes Jurgis again and he has to spend 10 days in jail. After he was out of jail he got into some bag stuff by mugging people which was bad. But it was good when Jurgis found a job as a hog trimmer, and he even got regular pay which was also good to hear. Maybe he can get enough money to live somewhere nice and not spend all his money at the saloon all the time and waste it away.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

chapters 20-23

In these chapters it talked how hegot a job and went to another job and whenhe was there his son Antans died and that was really sad because that was his last family member. Then Jurgis left to another town and kept getting different jobs. I thought that he should have done that erlier because he was making alot of money doing that. But when he got a job i thought he should have stayed at one job because he was wearing himself out going to difeernt places all the time. Overall i thought these chapters were pretty good but also sad. Maybe Jurgis can get happier as he gets away from the stuff that happened in chicago. Hopefully nobody else dies! (: j